When under fire from others, stand back and look upwards, breathe and rise above the rapid fire. ~ACN
We have all experienced a time in our lives where others are critical and judgmental of us. Sometimes we make decisions that our parents have warned us against making or our friends have told us that to do so and so will be a huge mistake and then for whatever reason, we make the choice and land up walking a road that becomes incredibly painful to us. Most of us cannot resist the urge to then say “I told you…. Blah, blah, blah” and many become so nasty in our criticism.
When you are in the position of “under fire” from people who do this, simply breathe, breathe, breathe and rise above the criticism and judgment of others. It is so not worth getting upset over their words. Should you find yourself in this position, then simply breathe, breathe, breathe, thank the bearer of those words, rising above them, knowing that they are just words; tiny little letters all strung together that mean nothing in your life. In fact, they are simply the words and opinions of another and quite frankly mean nothing in the real sense of the word. You can choose to do this, or you can choose to allow them to affect you adversely. You do not have to dodge the bullets of these words. You simply have to rise above them, not allowing them to affect you, not taking them into your being, and most certainly not by living your life by and with them.
When we allow the words of others to upset us, it is because we, ourselves, are choosing to be upset. We are all fully capable of choosing to not react. The only thing of importance, as the recipient of judgment and criticism, is what we ourselves believe to be true of ourselves. If you have made a choice in poor judgment and feel that you have learned from the experience, then it is okay, having known that you have grown from it. Acknowledge this and be in gratitude for that which you have learned.
It is so tempting to be drawn in to the negativity of others. Many people thrive on living in a negative fashion, and constantly are disparaging of others. Before you become ensnared in this vicious cycle of negativity and beratement, take a step away from the situation and breathe, breathe, breathe. Please do not engage in this horrid behaviour. You are most likely already assessing the situation in your own way, and are also often, scolding yourself for the choice you have made.
You will find throughout your life that you will choose life experiences that will bring you to the lessons that you need in order for you to fulfill the growth experiences that you contracted to pre-life. As you experience them, be gentle with yourself and know that you will emerge from it a wiser and stronger soul.
When another judges you, send them loving energy and plenty of light. Do not become vengeful and filled with anger and hate. To do this is so destructive to your own being and in doing you become involved, as a participant, to the vicious cycle of negativity. It is a soul of great wisdom who chooses to walk away from negativity. Often the most profound reaction you can make is to thank those who judge and criticize you and then be in silence. This does not mean that you may go and wither away and sulk. It simply means that you are at one with the experience and are behaving with integrity, courage and grace.
Choose to be the greater person, filled with wisdom and courage. Choose to be the one who stays in a positive state of being. Yes, choose to breathe, breathe, breathe and rise above it.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://www.dopey.net/judge.gif
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
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