To be the rock that lies at the shoreline, standing fast against the crashing waves of the ocean, is to be steadfast within your life, standing strong as life experiences shape you into the being you are. ~ACN
Have you ever had the privilege of examining a rock that lies at the shoreline of a coast? Looking at it you will see that it is not very even in its appearance. It has indentations, little holes, gaps and fissures. Running your fingers along it, you should take care, for sometimes you will find very jagged edges upon which you can surely cut your fingers, yet, overall, it appears smooth to the touch.
Our lives are just as like being this rock at the shoreline.
Each life experience that we have, shapes and moulds us, Sometimes, we have life knocks that cause us to become dented, Sometimes our life knocks are so severe that it leaves little gaps within our beings and often they are quite catastrophic at the time that it leaves us feeling as though we have holes within our beings blocking our memories and creating huge blanks within our minds.
Yet overall, these life experiences leave us with smooth surfaces, bringing with it great wisdom, shaping our character and building us into the people we are today.
Unlike the rocks at the shoreline that may only stand fast and endure the crashing of the waves, we all have a choice as to how we react to the incident that we experience.
We can choose to deal with the situations at hand, living each moment to the full, learning from it and then taking that knowledge into our future to better serve us there, or we can blithely turn away from it, believing that it did not happen and allow our minds to bury the memory. In doing this, we create the holes or gaps within our beings as we loose or block the incident depriving ourselves of our God given ability to learn and grow.
We often hear of someone who has, for example, been in a motor vehicle accident. The accident may be so severe that we block the incident from our minds and simply do not recall the details, if any, of how it may have happened. There are those, who may emotionally snap, and in this moment, may take the life of another. They too will block the memory and will not be able to recall the incident, unknowing for many months and even years of what happened let alone the cause of it. In both of these examples, we are creating blocks or holes in our memories and at an extremely deep level within our beings, refuse to address the issues behind the incident. It often takes many years of psychological therapy to unlock or release these blocks to bring us to a place of healing and from this we can either begin to or will comprehend the lesson behind it.
We then find, that a similar or repeat incident will occur over and over until we realize that lesson and in so doing grow from it. An excellent example of this is how we choose the same kind of partner over and over, who may be extremely destructive to ourselves and who is abusive and violent toward us. Until we get to the root of why we are choosing such a personality type and address the issues as to why we are choosing them, we will continue to make this choice. Yet, when we have addressed these issues within ourselves, we find, that we are able to move away from this type of choice and can then choose one who is kind, caring and loving toward us and who will enhance us as individuals and support us in our growth.
Now many of you may be reading this and saying “what a load of…”. Stop for a moment and ask yourself, especially if you are in a toxic relationship, why you continually choose toxic relationships. It is almost certainly because you may not have self-worth, or self-deservingness and therefore believe that you are only worth the punishment of self that comes from being in a destructive relationship.
With each incarnation that we choose, we bring with us the objective of growth and have contractually agreed, pre-life, with others who will teach us or whom we may teach. Until we “get” the lesson, we will continue to attract into our lives the circumstances that will bring us to a point of learning.
As you conclude each cycle of learning, be in gratitude for that which you have both experienced and learned and then release it to the Universe to be dissipated by the Universe. Emerge from the experience a wiser, stronger person. Become the smoothness of the rock that lies at the shore of the ocean. Know that you are loved and are Love at all times.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSABg4-WJ3gmOSQH5PDiQ9ZNYj-vibLCfzKQIAz2LRCpMM1v5mV6Q
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