Every struggle we have brings with it, its own blessings. ~ACN
To struggle sounds so dreadful. Unfortunately, to struggle often brings us to a place of panic. As wave upon wave of disaster knocks at our door and things seem to be going wrong all around you, you may ask yourself what is the purpose of all of what is happening to you.
We all face challenges in our lives. Some of us have more severe life knocks than others. Some of us experience them one upon the other, often never seeming to see the light of day.
Life knocks or struggles are sent to us to teach us. We have contracted to experience something that will bring us to a point of learning, something we have to “get”. Until we “get” the lesson, these knocks may keep coming at us and to us.
Now we can stand back and do the victim thing. We can cry until we are blue in the face. We can look to others with puppy dog eyes and plead with them to stop what is happening to us. OR We can face our problems head on and take action to change our situation and so doing learn from what is happening. Some of us may take longer to do this than others. Some of us can do this instantly. The point here is to do something positive to lead us through what is happening and bring us to a place of wisdom.
To do nothing is simply the act of not accepting responsibility for what is happening to you. Each circumstance or experience that we have is as a result of our actions in the past. We can deny this to be true, yet if we stand back and really take a long hard look at our actions we can usually pinpoint the action that we have taken to bring us to the point where we feel that the Universe is giving us this very difficult experience. To deny acceptance of self-responsibility is to deny yourself life. When you deny responsibility for your actions you live as if in a bubble, seeing only outward and so never learn to see the greatness of what lies within your being. Each one of us has immense greatness within our beings that is so easily accessed by doing daily meditations. In meditation we connect to our higher self and it is from here that we can access self-knowledge which may change us so profoundly and bring us to a place of action and in so doing resolve the issues or life knocks that we face.
Take a step back from the situation and be silent for just a short while. Take the time to center and ground yourself. For just a moment, forget about all that is happening. Acknowledge what is happening and what role you played in this situation. Accept that this is the current circumstance and accept your role within this also. Now ask yourself, “What am I learning from all of this?” Once you have seen the lessons that have manifested for you from this experience, give thanks for it and then let it go. You have no need to hold on to the problem any longer. The only thing you need to do further to this process is to take the appropriate action to rectify or alleviate the problem. Do this with courage and with grace.
As you complete this exercise you will find that you are able to see the many blessings that you have received in living this experience. You will see that from this time you have grown, you have become stronger and have greater wisdom, patience, kindness and so much more.
Be in gratitude for each experience that comes your way and celebrate its presence in your life.
May the blessings and love of your Divine reign upon you as you journey through your life.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/39687000/jpg/_39687761_starvingchild_203.jpg
© Amanda C Nicolin 2011
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
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