Each one of us has Guardian Angels, Angels and Guides who accompany us to Mother Earth. Those of us who are light-workers tend to take this for granted and often forget that they have a very specific purpose.
Prior to incarnation, we contract to those in our lives and within our circle, to do various things for us in the act of teaching us or learning from us. We also contract with our Guides and Angels to support us in our earth journey. The dictionary defines support as “giving active help or encouragement to somebody”. In so saying, it does not mean that the Celestial Realm will tell us our futures, detailing them to a vast degree, so as to make our lives easier. They are certainly not fortune tellers.
No. It means that they will guide us and direct us to certain circumstances or experiences and will be there for us to talk to within those experiences. Our Angels and Guides wait about patiently for us to call upon them for guidance. They will instantly jump into action the minute you call upon them for support and will guide you, nudge you and take you to situations or places that they know will serve you. They will do everything they can to enhance your life allowing you to still retain the right to choose. They will use every tool they can to direct and guide you. They frequently make use of sign posts, vehicle registrations, music, advertisements, books and the like.
A couple of years ago, I visited a friend who lived in a different province to where I did. We were driving along, quite merrily, the radio on, laughing and so happy to be visiting another friend who lived a few hours’ drive away. We were unsure of the route so had taken her GPS to guide us. Now the friend we were on our way to had given me basic instructions by sms. We drove past the turn off and as we did, I realised that the GPS had failed to tell us to turn off at the appropriate road. Well the GPS led us to a shopping mall in which was an art gallery. My friend is a spiritual artist and we were amazed as we entered the gallery when the owner offered to show her work. This is pretty unusual in South Africa as most galleries want a portfolio of the artist before they agree to display and sell their work.
This was a clear example of the Angels and Guides at work. Unbeknown to both of us, each of us had, in our morning prayers and meditations, asked that she be guided to where her work could be displayed.
Angels and Guides love using modern technology. They used the GPS to guide us to where we were meant to be. How awesome is that.
If you still are wary of just how quickly your Angels and Guides can work for you, try using the “find the parking spot” request. As you get into your vehicle, ask the Angels and Guides to ensure that a parking spot is open right at the door of your destination. Head directly for the door, undoubting that a spot will be open for you. Now see just how quickly they work. I am certain that one will be available for you as you have requested it to be.
You can ask your Guides and Angels to do anything for you and they will gleefully oblige in the interest of your higher good. They will not interfere though and deprive you of a lesson that you have contracted to learn. They will also not do anything for you unless you ask or unless you are in a life and death situation and it is not time for you to return home.
Please remember though, that the Celestial Realm are highly evoluted beings and must be treated with respect. They will not support you in conducting any negative behaviour and will certainly not cater to the need to be destructive to your fellow mankind or co-habitants of Mother Earth.
Please have fun using your Guides and Angels. They have a great sense of humour and love to have fun with you too.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://www.lighthousebythesea.com/images/Angels/HeavenlyAngels/PennyParker-AngelOfPeace.jpg
© Amanda C Nicolin 2011
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
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