Sometimes all it takes is a different angle to get the picture. Be gentle on yourself too. ~ ACN
I recall various times in my life when chaos reigned. Certainly it was because I had not opened my ears to my Divine guidance and absolutely did not follow the directive given me. As the life knocks came crashing at me from all directions, never ceasing for just one second, I became flustered at first and then sank down into a state of panic and despair. Not for a second did I take some time to center and ground myself. Sadly the more panicked I became, the less I saw any solution to my problems. It became a vicious circle until eventually, my esteem in tatters, calmness walked out the door and I chose to do the happy pill thing, popping them as prescribed and hoping that when I awoke all the problems would have magically disappeared.
Many of you may be nodding your heads in agreement by now having been down that very road yourselves.
In times of adversity, when darkness invades our worlds, and it seems that we are alone in the world having no one to support us, we always try and do either the “ostrich” thing, burying our heads in the sand and pretending that the problem does not exist or we do the “Braveheart” thing charging ahead as if we were a warrior, holding our spears in our clenched fists and hurling ourselves forward with a war cry of note.
Now most of us know that doing the “ostrich” thing is simply not an option. Ignoring the problem is not going to make it go away. And yes, the problem will still be there when we lift our heads from the soil and will no doubt be much worse than before we ventured to bury our heads in the sand.
Playing “Braveheart” is not an option either, although you will eventually reach a conclusion to the problem. Most certainly, you will be tattered and torn and almost definitely you will be wounded. Should life throw several knocks at you one after the other or simultaneously, you will certainly not survive it by continually playing ‘Braveheart” as you will be so exhausted from assuming this role.
The ideal role to place in times of strife is to be the sage.
In quietness, step back from the problem and view it as if you were an outsider who was not involved in the issues at hand. You are able, in this position, to see that there are always other avenues that you can take which will lead you to a successful solution. Assess each potential solution thoroughly. . We often find that when we face the problem or issue head on, with our blinkers firmly in place, we cannot see the solution at all. Remove those blinkers and step back, viewing the issue or problem from a different angle. Stepping back from the problem and viewing it from different angles will often produce the solution which will lead you to a successful outcome
Ensure that each step that you take is made with compassion, love and peace. Should the path you are assessing have negative steps, then stop, reassess and then proceed with a new plan of action in which you maintain a stance of compassion, love and peace for it is when you do this that you will emerge from the problem so filled with these profound qualities. You will know that once freed from the problem you will have grown as a soul and person, as you will be wiser and stronger for the experience.
Throughout this experience be gentle on yourself. The issue at hand is stress filled as it is and it does not serve you to berate yourself, flaying yourself with a self made whip, and judging yourself for the role you have played in creating the problem. Likewise, be gentle on others who may have had a hand in the creation of the issue at hand.
Always remain in gratitude for that which you have experienced and that which you have become.
BE the sage today filled with wisdom and grace.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://kenokazaki.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Wise-Man.jpg
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
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