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Tuesday 16 August 2011

A Grain of Sand

I am but one grain of sand in the immensity of the Universe yet I am as deserving as the largest planet & in gratitude of all that I AM.~ACN

It sure has taken me a very long time to get this. To be so small in terms of what lies out there in Universe and at the same time to know that I am indeed greatness in itself who is deserving of all that the Universe brings to me and still to be in gratitude for me.

Wow! What an awesome place to be in. I am truly grateful.

The immensity of the cosmos is so profound we can hardly comprehend the exact extent of just how large it really is. Not even the most qualified scientists and astrologers have been able to quantify the greatness of the Universe. Each day, more and more is discovered and I am sure astounds those who work with this daily. It sure astounds me.

As our veils become more and more transparent and we remember what it is to be in Universe as a soul, we come to know that Mother Earth, Gaia, is so small and that we, as humans, are even smaller still. We are really just teeny tiny grains of sand in comparison to the vastness of what our Creator has made.

Our Divine, a loving and caring being, created us to enjoy the same values as everything else. He did not say “Amanda, just because you are so small in terms of what I have made, you will only get a miniscule amount of love, kindness, patience, peace or any other wonderful blessing and Jupiter, just because you are big in size, well you get so much more” No. He gave us choice to attract what we want to us. He gave us the ability to choose our birthright; to believe that we are deserving of all that is good.

We are fully able to comprehend that we are all equal; that each of us is worthy, that each of us is Love and loveable. We are able to realize also that we are all one and in ONEness we are able to live side by side in a caring and kind fashion. We are able to choose a life of compassion, love and peace. As Mother Teresa said so beautifully “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other”.

Those who live in compassion of others fully grasp the concept that to be in Love of self and of others also, is to be in a life of peace. There can be no love of others if we have no love of self, just as there can be no life of compassion if we have no compassion of self. The Dalai Lama said so eloquently “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive”.

I once read a document on the treatment of children inflicted with HIV/AIDS. It was found that children who were held, comforted and shown absolute love were recovering at a steady pace where those who did not receive such love were not. It made me realize that love is absolute. That without love we could not lead full productive lives. Without love we only half live. I would go as far as to say we simply exist. As my own life progressed I knew this with absolute certainty, that this is true for I once denied my own self the love I now know myself to have.

Recognizing that you so justly deserve these things is the very first step you will take to a life of peace and ultimately of freedom. As you journey through your life, you will begin to realize that you are indeed a beautiful soul created to be loved and to love, to have and be compassion and to be in a state of peace.

Honour yourself today. Allow yourself to be in compassion and love of self. Experience it in its fullness, tasting it, hearing it, seeing it and feeling it. Hug yourself every day. Pat yourself when you have achieved a goal. Be gentle with yourself at all times. Be kind to yourself. Accept yourself for the beautiful soul that you are. Acknowledge the greatness that you are for when you do all these things for yourself and to yourself, your life will be more meaningful and plentiful. You will certainly find that you will have much more positivity streaming in to you and with it will come all that you need.

Remember always to be in gratitude for all that you have and all that you are.

In love and light,


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