Only when you have released the experience can you move forward with freedom in your heart. ~ACN
The past few weeks have been ones of great realizations for me. It is a time when I find myself letting go of so many things, not just in the physical but of the emotional as well. Over the last few weeks I have shed many a tear for things, places and people gone by. Oh yes, it sure has been a time of great understanding, of coming to a point of acceptance and release from and through the pain.
Throughout our lives we will certainly encounter many an experience that touches our lives profoundly.
As children, life seems to be so simplistic and we accept it for what it is neither questioning very much nor fighting against the issue at hand. Some of us come from happy families, others from families that are so dysfunctional and that are filled with atrocities of mankind. We may experience rape, physical abuse, emotional and mental abuse and so on. These experiences often lead us to a place of stowing the pain and emotional devastation that we feel as a result of them into the nether reaches of our minds. We may, as a result of this, act out our pain with bad behavior, or we withdraw completely becoming introverts, or we create characters of others within our minds living as if we were them and developing DID (Dissociative identity disorder) otherwise known as Multiple Personality Disorder to name but a few.
Whichever method we choose as children can almost certainly be pin pointed to a specific incident within our childhoods.
As adults we generally carry the behaviour we have learned from our childhood allowing it to affect us and disabling ourselves by these heavy loads which we carry.
At some point though, most of us eventually reach a place of wanting to release these life encumbering issues. Some of us will release them by a natural course of events taking place within our lives. Some of us shed copious tears, releasing with each teardrop that streams down our cheeks and yet others of us may embark on introspection through the medium of courses, regression, meditation or psychotherapy etc.
The point of the matter is that we choose to release the issues of life that bind us in the past.
We should always take care to remember that to hold on to past issues is such a disservice to ourselves as we hold ourselves in a state of half-life. Imagine for just a moment how it would be if you were unable to breathe properly. Those amongst us who have lung dis-ease will recognise just how debilitating it is to live in a state where you are unable to inhale sufficient oxygen. Your body becomes pain filled and stiff, your mind is unable to retain memories, your food becomes tasteless and one seldom has sufficient energy to do very much. Esoterically, half-living is to be in such as state. You are not able to function to your full potential and lose out on so much that you could be enjoying and celebrating.
The good news is that you can and are able to release all that binds you to issues of your past. It’s really very simple. All you have to do is make a choice to let go and then take action on it and actually let the issues go. How you do it is not of importance. What is important is that you do.
The value of letting go is immeasurable to the soul and allows you the privilege of living in a state of peace from whence you will be free of the restraints that have bound you in the past. The heavy feeling of carrying a burden will be lifted and you will feel the lightness of freedom enabling you to really “be” in the moment, enjoying and celebrating each moment for what it is. Your soul will soar as it breathes the air of life without the chains of past.
Take a chance on you today. Let Go and feel the freedom within your heart. You so deserve it.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://lifechanging-international.yolasite.com/resources/breaking%20the%20chains%20that%20bind.jpg?timestamp=1303011639979
© Amanda C Nicolin 2011
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.