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Monday 28 November 2011

The Key

Knowing and acceptance of what you are within is the key to Source from whence your knowledge can be tapped, bringing you to a place of freedom within heart. ~ ACN

This is a question I have often asked of me over the years. In the years before I really started my spiritual journey with intent, I would ask over and over again.. Who am I? What am I here for? What is expected of me? What is my purpose? The questions were endless and I am sure that I drove the Universe crazy with them.

It has been one incredible journey to reach the state of being in which I now find myself and I am blessed in that I realize, now more than ever, that each day brings with it greater knowledge of self and that the realization of this, and more importantly the acceptance of it, has brought me to a place of peace and freedom within my being allowing me to grow even further.

So, how exactly do we do this knowingness of self thing? It’s really quite simple. “BE”.

As we learn to “BE” in the moment of each experience we position ourselves to being open to all that that moment brings us.

It is when we actively question consistently that knowledge of self eludes us. As we gently meditate, asking for direction of our soul’s journey, that we will receive Divine guidance as to why we are here, what our purpose is, and what we need to do to achieve them. The more we nag the Universe the less we receive in guidance. Simply relax and allow the Universe to bring you what you need to know, for as it does so, it will be the right time for you to receive such knowledge, for you to reach a state of acceptance of it and then for you to take action on it.

There may be times when you will react adversely to what you have been guided to receive. Question not why. Simply be in acceptance. Sometimes we really don’t appear to like what our lives are yet we should always remain in gratitude for the circumstance that led us to where we are as well as for the experience for it is after all what we contracted to learn in this current incarnation to Mother Earth.

Each experience that we have brings us closer to the goal of soul learning, to “getting” the lesson and in so doing growing from it. Imagine, if life was one big happy party; what would you learn? Would you really appreciate the life that follows; Or would you learn from understanding what came with the adversity you have experienced? Most of us don’t get what we learn in good times and we gradually stagnate and eventually end up feeling very dissatisfied and unfulfilled.

Once you have realized the purpose of your soul journey, the next step is acceptance of it. Certainly most of want to have lives that are stress free and easy going. Yet when life knocks at our door, bringing with it challenges that we have surmounted or perhaps have not, accept it for what they are just as you would accept it if your life were plain sailing. You would not be complaining and whining about a life of luxury, where all was going well, where you felt loved and satisfied, now would you? No, you accept it as such and enjoy life to the fullest. Please do the same when your life knocks appear to be difficult.

Acceptance of it is the key that enables you to move on and complete the process. With acceptance of it one realizes that there is nothing that you can do to change what is happening to you but allows you to handle it in a calm manner; it allows you to appreciate the “being” of being in the now.

Remember always that you are able at any point in time to access Source, your Divine creator, your guidance, your council, if you still your mind and are at one with the process. Although it is easier to do this in a formal meditation, you do not have to be in this state. No, you can sit quietly and simply “be”. Oft times, it is when in this state of quiet stillness that the most profound direction or answers are given to us.

When communication with Source is constant, you will certainly find that inner peace, the inner freedom, that allows one to continue with courage and grace to continue through our lives, to live the life that we are meant to live as soul and brings us to our ultimate goal; growth through learning.

May you be blessed as you journey to finding your answers, to accepting them and to living in the guidance of your Divine.

In love and light,


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© Amanda C Nicolin 2011

Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.

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