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Monday 9 May 2011


Just for today, I will be grateful for the blessings in my life: for the love I have, for the air I breathe, for the earth Angels who are my friends, for every little thing. Yes! I will be grateful....~ACN

I recall at a very young age my parents telling me to be grateful for small blessings. They also told me to count my blessings and name them one by one. I did not realize it at the time that what they were saying is that gratitude is not about being grateful for all the big things in our lives but for the very small ones too. How right they were.

Gratitude is the appreciation and thankfulness that we feel when we experience something in our lives. This can be for the air that we breathe, for the sun that shines so brightly in the sky, for the rain that falls, for the birds that sing and so on. We can be grateful for the friends in our lives, for the song that played on the radio that lightened our day. There is just about nothing that we experience that we cannot be grateful for.

Take a note pad and write down a list of all that you have to be grateful for. You will find that the list will be endless when you really get stuck into this exercise. Start with what you see around you, and then broaden your list to your friends and family, to the expressions that you feel, for the material things that you have and that you are manifesting and so on. Do this every day. A good time to do a gratitude journal is at night just before you retire, when the world is quite and you have time to reflect upon your day and upon your life. I encourage you to start a gratitude journal today.

When we give cognizance to the blessings in our lives, we recognise the value of it. Even if the item is free of charge, something that the Universe has given us, for example the air that we breathe, it still has a value to it. Would you be able to breathe if the air were black and toxic without it being harmful to you? Of course not! So when we breathe fresh clean air filled with oxygen, it gives us life and because we have life we should be grateful.

Feel joyous as you express gratitude. Feel the excitement in your solar plexus, feel it in your gut. Appreciate all that you have, all that you are and all that you will be.

In love and light,


Photo courtesy of: Content/uploads/2010/01/gratitude_symbol_large.jpg

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