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Tuesday 3 May 2011

Higher Self

Just as the highest tower needs a deep foundation, so too our higher thinking is based on going deep within.    ~ACN  

Pre-life we agree to learn certain things in our next carnation. These may be things like compassion, empathy, patience, tolerance, money, appreciation, and abundance to name but a few. We set our soul purpose way in advance of our incarnation.  These are approved by our guides and council.  We all, however, incarnate with the intention to love.  We agree with other souls to teach us what we need to learn.  If for example, we come to learn abandonment, we would have agreed with for example our mother to teach us this.  Some lessons can be very hard, yet we know, as a soul, that we have to endure what comes with learning that lesson. 

The solutions to all these learning experiences are embedded deep within us, in our higher selves, in our souls.  You are able to access these at any time.  By going into meditation we connect with our Higher Self and can then access these and with this knowledge in hand, we can make changes in our lives and so overcome or deal with the lesson at hand in a state of unconditional love.  We can live our lives with this profound knowledge and be what we came to be on in this life-time on Mother Earth.

In love and light,

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  1. I agree Amanda: we contract ourself to become identified with our bodies, personalities, families, and all of the thoughts and beliefs that make up our experience of life. As time progresses, we take on new identities: husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, managers, lawyers, office workers, computer programmers, basketball players, and the list goes on and on.

    As one begins to earnestly pursue a spiritual path, it's natural to question these roles and identities and try on new ones. As we move deeper into experiencing the truth of who we are, beyond what we can see with our eyes, hear with our ears, or believe with our minds, the pursuit of a direct and personal experience of our True Nature begins to grow until experiencing and knowing our True Self first-hand eventually becomes the primary goal of our lives.

  2. I recall hearing somewhere that this life time the human souls won't be learning anything new we are here to help the earth itself through it's transformation in 2012. I don't know how true that is but I thought it was an interesting suggestion.
