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Tuesday 26 July 2011

You Are Never Alone!

In the face of danger, in the face of turmoil, in the face of darkness, you will always be surrounded by the love of your Divine, held in His presence and enfolded in the wings of His Angels. ~ACN

There are plenty amongst us who live in war torn countries or who live with constant danger as the countries in which we live, although not in the state of war, are violent and filled with dangers. Living in such countries, we find that we build a field or shield of protection around us and often become quite complacent in living in the face of violence.

Now whilst there is nothing wrong in protecting ourselves, living with complacency can lead us to even greater danger. Being blinded by false beliefs can be quite detrimental to our beings. It remains our responsibility to ensure that we are diligent in how we live and in taking care to ensure that we do not become complacent.

When faced with danger of a physical nature, or when we face turmoil in our lives, we always need to remember that whilst we have incarnated to Mother Earth, we are never ever alone. Each of us incarnated accompanied by our primary or main guide. This guide has been with us, as soul, through many millenniums and will continue to be our guide after we complete this lifetime also. Together with our main guide, we all have specific guides, who guide us through certain circumstances; for example, when we divorce, we have a guide who comes to help us and guide us through this difficult time, or when we enjoy the arrival of a new baby, and are sleep deprived and unsure of ourselves, we have guides who come and support us through this experience and so on. Never, ever are we on our own in any given circumstance.

We all have specific Angels too that surround us at all times. Our Angels and guides, will spring into action immediately we ask for support or help. How often, have you been in a situation where you desperately need help and then utter these wonderful words; please help me! No sooner have you spoken them, that you will suddenly hear the same song playing on the radio or feeling that you should do this or that, or you may consistently see the same sequence of numbers, or people will phone you, or be in your space as earth Angels to guide and council you.

So too, does God work. He uses, Angels, guides, earth Angels and so on to bring you support if only you just ask. It is really as simple as that. Ask and you shall receive. This is no empty promise, but God true to His word delivers exactly what we need, when we need it. Of course, do not forget that our wants may not necessarily be our needs.

God is an all loving God and does not wish to see us in a state of suffering, fear or disdain. He wants, just as we do for our children, for us to be happy and fulfilled and He ensures that we are by bringing us to where we must be and giving us what we need.

Have faith and be secure in the knowledge then, that you will always be held in the presence of God and surrounded by His Angels. Feel comforted then as they enfold you in their wings.

In love and light,


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Monday 25 July 2011

The Power Of One

The Power Of One

One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.

One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.

One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.

One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room.

One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey,
One word must start each prayer.

One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true.

One life can make the difference,
You see, IT'S UP TO YOU!

~ Author Unknown~

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Thursday 21 July 2011


Chaos in the mind is as clutter in your home. Clear the clutter and chaos and allow new ideas, visions and realties to manifest. ~ACN

In times of adversity, when life becomes tough and throws so many stumbling blocks in your path, we tend to clutter our minds with useless and inconsequential thoughts. We become wrapped up in our grief, our pain and our loss. We close our minds to opportunities and blessings that may come out of this adversity and see only the darkness of it. We often finger point at others, laying the blame on all and sundry for what is happening to us.

Just as we clutter our homes, collecting all sorts of riff raff, little ornaments, or mementos of what has been in the past, so we do this in our minds. We hold on for grim death to our homes, for example, believing them to be the beginning and ends of our worlds. We forget that a home is where the heart is. It is certainly not always the house or apartment you currently live in. Homes can be anywhere where you find love and tranquility. Just because you have spent thousands of dollars purchasing the house in which you currently stay does not make it home. Having said this, if this is the place where you find peace and love, then certainly, it is your home.

Yet when the time comes that you no longer have this, take heart and know that you are able to let it go. You are able to de clutter your mind, your belief that this is your home. You are more than capable in doing the “letting go” thing with anything you need to let go of in your life.

When we clutter our minds, we prevent newness arriving in our lives. Because we live in a state of fear of losing what we have or possess, we basically slam the door shut to anything new and exciting that may present to us. We fail to be creative and block ideas and visions of what is most likely a better way for us. We kind of get “writers block”. All authors know just how fatal this can be and most do their utmost to overcome this state of mind for when they do, their creativity returns and they are once again able to conjure up the most fantastic tales which so delight their readers.

So how do we clear the clutter? Unfortunately it is not as simply as clearing the clutter from our homes. Yet it is not an insurmountable task or process.

Take a few minutes to meditate. This will bring you to a calm state.

Take a deep breath and in this calm state, jot down what the actual adversity is. Claim responsibility for the problem and your role in creating it. Please do not beat yourself up by blaming yourself. The incident has occurred. It is now passed and cannot be undone. It can however be remedied.

Now in the same state of calm, write down whatever options you have open to you at that point in time. You may find that you need to do additional research for some of your potential solutions. In doing this, even more opportunities for solutions may present themselves to you. Jot these down on your list too.

If you become emotional during this process, allow the tears to flow, for they are a cleansing of your soul. Step back from your list for a while whilst you shed your tears. Allow the anger and hurt, the bitterness and the pain, the grief and sense of loss to be cleansed from you releasing them into the Universe to be dissipated by Universe.

Then once in a state of calm, constructively draw up a final list of actions you can take to correct what the problem is or what actions you can take to dispose of the problem completely. Should you require support from loved ones or institutions please ask for it. Do not fear recriminations either by self or others. This is simply destructive behaviour and will not serve you. When you approach a problem logically and with faith and love, you will find that others do not judge you, instead they will willingly step forward to support you as needed.

Now! Take Action!. As you do this you will find yourself becoming lighter as the burden of the adversity is lifted from your shoulders. Remember, that even if you are taking itsy bitsy tiny steps, you are taking action to solve your problem. No one expects you to run the mile in a minute. Sometimes we can fix a problem by taking one giant step but more often than not, we take these tiny baby steps. Steadfastly stick to your plan. Pretty soon you will find that your problem is entirely resolved. Now let the whole experience go.

The most important part of this whole exercise is to stand back after and ask what you have learned from this experience. Have you grown from the experience? Have you emerged from it a wise, stronger soul? Most certainly, you will find the answer to these questions is yes. Recognise this and be in gratitude for what you have learned and become from the experience.

May you be blessed as you journey your way through de-cluttering your mind and may you find peace within your being as you emerge from it; a lighter, wiser and stronger soul.

In love and light,


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Tuesday 19 July 2011

Exchanging our Burdens

We are never given more than we are able to carry. Each problem or issue that you carry is yours only to carry. Be blessed in the knowledge that you are able to find solutions to what you carry. ~ ACN

A man was plagued by the problems of his life. He was very down and felt that the world lay upon his shoulders. He went to his spiritual teacher and lamented all his woes to him. The teacher said nothing except to invite him to go with him for a drive.

They drove to the nearest post office. In front of it was line upon line of post boxes. The teacher reached into his pocket and withdrew a golden key. Handing it to the man, he invited him to exchange all his problems by placing them in any post box he chose.

The man thought very carefully about this proposition. He thought hard about the problems that he had. It would be so good to exchange them. He would be free of his burdens.

The teacher seeing his thoughts cross his face, gently explained to him that should he choose to exchange his problems that he should remember that the box he chose may have greater problems or it could have less problems than those he carried.

The man contemplated for a while longer. He knew that he would be taking a huge risk should he exchange is problems.

He thought about others that he knew who had problems greater than his own. What if he exchanged for this? He knew that he would not be able to handle more problems than he had at the present time.

The man realised that he would not exchange what he already carried. He realised at this time that he was only given that which he could handle. And so he returned the golden key to the teacher knowing that he would find a way to change his situation.

Reflect on this; we are never given a load greater than we are able to carry. Our Divine knows exactly what we are able to deal with. He knows that each time we become overloaded with burdens, should we simply face toward Him, raising our prayers to the Heavens, and we will be guided to finding a solution and in so doing will be able to dispose of the problem knowing that we have learned from it and hence will emerge from it a wiser soul.

In love and light,


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Monday 18 July 2011

It all Begins with YOU!

It begins with you. In this time of change as Mother Earth begins her shift, be gracious, be kindness, be compassion, be merciful, be love and peace and in so doing raise not only your own vibration but Mother Earth’s as well. ~ACN

I have recently discovered the joy and pleasure of watching various “Flash mob” You-tubes. The one thing that struck me over and over again was that each one started with just one person.

If we expect change to occur in the world then it is up to us to start the process of change. Should we want the world to be a kinder place in which to live, then we should be kind, just as should we want peace in the world, we should be peaceful.

So often we sit back in our comfy armchairs and expect positive changes to happen yet at the same time we constantly criticise, judge and gossip. We do this fully expecting, by some miracle, that suddenly the world will be a place of peace. Well, it just does not work like that. In order to achieve a result we have to take action.

It is not for the politicians to ensure that something like peace occurs on a world wide scale. Even though we elect them to office, it is still our responsibility to take ownership of whatever change we wish to see.

Each time we make a stand and “be” what we want the outcome to be, we raise our vibration as well as the vibration of the world around us. Imagine for a moment, that if 100 of us, each became the peace we wished to see in the world, what a fabulous rise in the world’s vibration there would be. Now, if each one of us on this planet took ownership for “be”ing the peace we want, then collectively we can ensure that the world will become peaceful.

You are no doubt aware that an energy shift will occur on 21.12.2012. There has been much hype amongst the various mediums of media throughout the last year. We have seen physical signs of the impending shift occurring already. The recent Tsunami in Japan is testament to this. On measurement of the earth’s axis it was found that it had already shifted by approximately 25cm. During the course of this year, we have seen birds falling from the skies in deaths for no apparent reason. Birds are inherently programmed to their flight paths and have not adjusted to the shift of the earth’s axis as yet. My belief, as with many others, is that they simply “ran out of breath” when they failed to meet their normal destination. Sad as it may seem, there appears to be no other logical conclusion to this phenomenon. Some scientists have claimed that noise pollution is a contributing factor to these occurrences, yet others are totally baffled by it.

Humanity has a choice with this shift. We can choose to have either a positive or a negative shift. Should we wish the shift to be positive, then we need to raise the earth’s vibration substantially. Positive mindsets which must include our “be”ing loving human beings who are filled with compassion, kindness, mercy, love and peace should be of priority right now. If each one of us conducts our life in genuineness in this light, we will substantially raise the earth’s vibration and the shift will be a positive one, and will bring everlasting peace to Mother Earth. Gaia so deserves to have positive energy right now and for millennium to come. The actions of mankind have done so much to harm her. It is time mankind did something good to honour her willingness for our incarnation to her surface.

Step up to the plate then. Let it begin with you!

In love and light,


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Hearing with Compassion and Love

To listen and to "hear" show true compassion and love in the listener. ~ ACN

There is a vast difference between listening and hearing. When we listen we simple let the words of another flow over us and often miss so much of what is been said. Yet when we hear, we take into account all that is been said and can compassionately comprehend what is being said.

We all live busy lives, some of us filling them to the brim. We rush around and seldom take into account what we someone is attempting to say. Others may talk with actions, some with expressions and some in silence. Yet their actions speak volumes and if we open our ability to hear we can positively affect the life of the speaker.

A person of great compassion is able to differentiate between these two little words. With compassion and love, we can support where support is needed and contribute to the life of another. Just by hearing the voice of another, be it in the spoken word, an expression, an action or the silent plea of we can positively impact their lives.

We often find that we tend to overlook the voices of children. We come home from work after a busy day and get to the business of cooking dinner, cleaning and tidying up. Our children, excited about their day at school, chatter away and in our busy state we simply respond with the appropriate yes, no, perhaps, maybe responses. Should we take the time to sit down and actually hear our children we can discover exactly how they feel. We are then able to guide them in an appropriate way and can pre-empt any problem from going further just as we can lift them building their self esteem. They offer us great wisdom in what they tell us and can teach us immeasurably.

It does not matter whether we are conversing with our friends, our colleagues, children, parents or strangers should we take the time to actually hear what they say we will be in a position to support them in their journey and can participate in as well as enjoy watching their growth.

There is no other feeling so great than in giving to another. We experience a real feel good feeling that is cosy and warm. Hearing others is just like this. It does not mean that you have to take on the problems and issue of another. It simply means that you are able to support them as needed.

Be gracious and kind to yourself, recognising that you are filled with compassion and love as you hear when conversing with those you encounter and be blessed as you experience the gift of hearing others.

In love and light,


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