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Monday 12 August 2013


Have the courage to walk away from that which no longer serves you. Hold your head high and be at peace with your choice to value yourself. ~ ACN

To walk away from that which no longer serves you sounds incredibly easy to do yet most of us find it such a challenge and heartbreaking a thing to do.

Most of us also find great difficulty in doing this as we believe, at some level, that we deserve the treatment that is metered out to us mainly because we have no self-worth, self-esteem or self-love.

We worry about the consequence of our decision knowing that things will never be the same again.  We fear the changes that will come with making the decision to walk away. We wonder how this will affect us, who will still be our friends, if our families will support us once we make the decision to walk away.  Our heads are flooded with thoughts of foreboding prior to making this choice.  We traverse through a multitude of “what if’s”.  Often we have become so cosy in our little rut, knowingly or unknowingly and are filled with fear of the changes that will come with walking away.

When we examine the reasons why we have no sense of self-worth or our esteem is very low, our sense of love for ourselves is minimal if there at all, we find that there is worth, esteem and love right there hidden behind layer upon layer of discrimination, of abuse, of lack. 

Acknowledge that it is indeed there and take the steps to build upon what is there.  Each of us, arrive on this planet with these intact. Sadly, as life happens and we build walls often so thick and dense protecting what little there is of it. We buy into the words and action of others, believing we are worthless or undeserving and unlovable. Eventually we take on the belief ourselves that we are these things and completely lose sight of that which is hidden within us.  We forget that each wall has tiny little cracks in it and that we are fully able to chisel away at them, in time bringing them crashing down.

Take a step back. Stop. Listen. Now ask yourself; Am I worthy of more than this that no longer serves me? Am I deserving of more than this?  Allow yourself to feel your worth and deservingness. Right now you will likely feel that hot energy that surges through you that says; YES! I deserve than more than this. I am worth more than this.

Gather your courage, welcome it, feel it, embrace it, push your fear away turning it into a positive action and make the choice that will serve you through your experience.  Allow peace to flow over and through you as you walk courageously away from the things that no longer serve you.   You are worthy!  You are deserving of all the good things that the Universe has to offer you.  Greater than this remember always that you are the most beautiful loving being created by your Divine.  

May Angels always surround you as you make changes to bring you to being the very best that you can be in this lifetime, in this wonderful place, Earth, as you continue your soul journey. 

In love and light,

Image courtesy of:
© Amanda C Nicolin 2013
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.

Monday 15 July 2013

The Value of Friendship

When times are good friends abound,
When times are tough friends disappear,
Those who stay are very dear.

It’s a sad fact of life that in tough times we discover the true value of friendship.  Oh, how dreadful to start a blog on such a negative note, yet it’s one that has to be brought to light for it is indeed a sad reality of life.

The saying “People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime” has been a prolific lesson for me in the last two years as I have experienced this saying in all its forms.   It is indeed painful to realize that those whom you have known for many years, and have consider close friends turn their backs and walk blithely away from a situation you have found yourself to be in.  These are the people who are usually the “takers” of the world.  They know your company and actively seek it out when you are in a position of financial stability.  Without thought to either themselves or you, they take no shame in holding their hand out, often forgetting to graciously thank you for your generosity. 

These friends, made me question my own ability to form a character judgement, the made me question my sense of self worth and created doubt within my own mind that perhaps they were right and I was deserving of what befell me.

These friends are really not friends at all.  They are merely vampires who feast off the wealth of others and have little worth of self not to mention esteem of self.  Do yourself a favour: Hold your head high and walk away, forgiving them for their behaviour and acknowledging the lesson they have brought you, let them go.

Friends should not befriend you for your financial worth.  Friends befriend you for you.  For the beautiful person that you are, for the loving, kind, caring, and wonderful being that you were created to be.  Friends seek your company for how you make them feel as how they make you feel.  They are the ones who can lift you, making you laugh, sharing joy with you, and loving you as you are.  They do not care if you have a million dollars in your bank account or have nothing at all.  They see your soul not the exterior of whom you are.

Friends would never judge you for any action that you may take.  They would tell you their truth yet would support you nonetheless.  Friends are those, who would cry with you and carry your pain just as they would laugh and rejoice with you and share your joys.

Treasure these friends, for they are the earth Angels who are true to you in friendship on this earth plane. Nurture them and return to them the beauty of the friendship you both share. Learn from them and teach them in return.  Hold them dear to your heart and love them as they are for you never know how long they will be in your circle.

Reason, Season, or Lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you figure out which one it is,
you will know what to do for each person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty;
to provide you with guidance and support;
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend, and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it. It is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons;
things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person,
and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

— Unknown

In Love and light

© Amanda C Nicolin 2013
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.

Monday 21 January 2013

Yeeehaaaa!!! It's Monday

When we set a positive intention, we allow all that is good to flow to us. ~ ACN

It’s Sunday evening and once again, I see many posts on Face Book showing how people are unhappy with the fact that tomorrow is Monday.  The implication of this is that many do not like the fact that Monday is a new week, a time when we start the routine of going to work.  Neither do many like the discipline of doing just that. 

It’s so important to set the intention to having a great week.  Each Monday brings with it the chance to start again, to do things differently, and to have fun at what you’re doing.

In setting the intention, one attracts to oneself all sorts of things. 

We can set negative intentions by saying things like;”oh goodness, I hate Mondays. It means work. It means getting up early to travel in all that traffic etc to go to a job that I hate” or we can set positive intentions by saying something like..” Yea.. Tomorrow is Monday.  It’s going to be a great day. My workload will flow, I will be cheerful and happy in what I do, I will sing in the traffic, I will learn so much.  Yes, thank you! Tomorrow is Monday and I am happy to be starting a new week”

In doing the latter we raise our vibration and in so doing we make it a wonderful experience.  We turn negative into positive, we turn sadness into joy. We open ourselves to meeting new people; new experiences and we turn whatever may have been a bore or a bad experience into a happy, fulfilled experience. 

The sad thing, in doing the negative thing, is that we draw to us bad experiences.  We draw to us the manager who is never satisfied, the client who is harassed and angry, and the people who are rude and who have no compassion.  We also, become so engrained in this dreadful habit that it becomes a part of us.  Even sadder, it ripples down to those around us, our children, our partners, our friends and colleagues so that now, not only are we doing the negative attracting this but everyone around us is doing it too. 

Set your intention for the day ahead in a positive enlightening way and be in gratitude that it will be so.  Let it ripple to those around you. Remind yourself throughout the day that it is a good day.  Should you encounter a negative person or circumstance, stand back and breathe, smile, dig deep and haul the joy from the pit of your stomach and raise your vibration.  If you continue to find this difficult to do, play some happy music, something that will automatically raise your vibration. Think happy thoughts. 

I love that saying...’if you can’t make it fake it’.  Faking it long enough will allow it to become a part of your being; pretty soon, you won’t be faking it but doing it automatically. 

On Monday, be daring, take a chance; smile at a stranger, sing as you walk along, laugh, be joyous, be love.

Go on do it!  I dare you!  Have a fantabulous Monday; Have a stupendously fantabulous week.

In love and light,


Image courtesy of:

© Amanda C Nicolin 2013

Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.