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Saturday 16 July 2016

I Wonder if You Knew

I wonder if you knew
When my heart broke
Tearing jagged edges
Laying in tatters before the world

I wonder if you knew
The tears that flowed like rivers huge and wild
The water tumbling and turning
Stirring up the mud
Darkness enshrouded me dragging me down

I wonder if you knew
My mind never left you
Wherever it took me
The thought of you beside me

I wonder if you knew
The body fails daily
The lies and tales told about me
Like daggers to my side
Churning and burning as they cut me
I wonder if you knew

I wonder if you knew
That God smiled on me one day
He brought a soul so dear and kind
To heal my battered soul

I wonder if you knew
Years may be short and few
A precious soul reached out amidst the tatters of my being
And loved me through my pain

I wonder if you knew
That once more the sun could shine
It dried my tears and warmed me
But he gathered the shards of my heart
Holding it gently as he loved me and made me whole

I wonder if you knew
Once again that I  can smile again
The joy that flows to me
Filtering through the pain

I wonder if you knew
That I will always hold you dear
Your memory nestled within my mind
No longer will I give you power
To break my heart again
I wonder if you knew

Image courtesy of:
© Amanda C McDermid 2016
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Inner Peace

Peace is when we find within ourselves the contentment of our inner being. Allow your peace to radiate into the world and in so doing lift those around you. ~ ACN

The dictionary describes peace as “freedom from disturbance; tranquillity.” That sounds almost quite impossible to achieve now doesn’t it.   Yet it isn’t.  In reality peace is relatively easy to achieve. 

When we awaken to what is and accept the responsibility for clearing our issues which we have diligently stowed in our back sacks, eroding away at the rocks of issues one by one, accepting what was and in so doing acknowledging the lesson in the experience and finding forgiveness for all concerned who played a part in the experience, including ourselves.  It is then that we find peace within our being. 

This process may take a while to achieve.  Many of us have lived our lives by simply ignoring those experiences that devastate our souls.  It may be an extremely painful journey to work through these issues one by one.  Often we find that we have thought we have worked through them only to find a few months or years down the road that we still have pebbles of issues remaining and need then to start the process of working through them and eliminating them completely. 

It is important to remember that are not Godzilla and cannot just stomp the issue into the ground.   We should take care to remember to be gentle and compassionate with ourselves throughout the process of letting go.   There is no magic quick fix to this process either.   And importantly, no one is to blame for what has previously happened in our lives.  Some may have harmed and hurt you, you may feel extremely offended by what has happened and so very angry toward they perpetrators of the harm caused you.  It is perfectly natural to feel what you are feeling.  Yet holding on to something that has happened causes more harm to you that anyone else. 

Therefore it is imperative to remember too, that prior to this incarnation you chose to experience certain lessons and contracted to those who have brought them to you to do so.   In saying this, it is necessary to forgive yourself too. 

Having completed the process of letting go and attaining this wonderful sense of peace within your being is a feeling like none other.   You may certainly want to hold it to yourself and for a while you probably will.   There will, however, come a time, when you will radiate that peace rippling it into the world and creating a feeling a peace all around you.   You will certainly find that others are peaceful in your presence.  You will find that you have the ability to face whatever comes your way in a peaceful fashion and will be in acceptance of what happens in the world around you.   This does not mean that you will not feel touched by the atrocities of the world.  Of course you will be, yet you will know within yourself that even though you are not able to change or fix all those disturbing things, just by radiating your peaceful aura change will occur over a period of time.   Throughout the world today we see acts of peace when for example demonstrators may offer law enforcement officers hugs or flowers.  Conflict is never the answer and once you attain inner peace you will feel that there are many other ways to change something in a peaceful fashion.  

Allow your peace to radiate into the world.  See it as a wave of love and harmony flowing out to all around you, human, animal and plant alike.   May blessings flow toward you as you continue your journey in a state of peace.  

In love and light,

Image courtesy of:
© Amanda C Nicolin 2015
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.

Monday 3 August 2015

Finding My New Normal

When your world turns upside down, be encouraged that you are never alone

During the last 8 months my life has turned twice. What an experience. How much was gained in lessons learnt.  How my soul was touched in such a profound way.  Yet I find myself in a space where I need to find my own normal again. 

What is normal?    The dictionary defines normal as “conforming to the usual standard, type, or custom”.   For me, it’s finding a new routine and yes, these do define our lives as we go about our daily business.  It’s about finding a new way of doing things and of doing things I’ve not done before.

When circumstances change in our lives we can do one of two things.  We can sit back a wallow in our self-pity at what was and  is now gone or we can step up to the plate and find new adventures to lead into the world, a place where we can grow and have fun in doing so.

This does not mean that we do not have to grieve what was.  On the contrary in finding our new normal, we continue to grieve, to experience the emotions of loss and pain, the heaviness of heart and soul.  There is no point in pushing feelings of grief into the back ground or back sacking it.  What would we achieve in that apart from feelings of despair as the load becomes heavier to carry.    Grief is unique to each individual and none should be judged for the amounts of time they make to take grieve or the way in which we grieve.

Whichever way we choose to grieve, there comes a time when we raise our heads to the sun and find our new normal again.

In finding your new normal, you may find yourself wanting to embark on a journey of doing different things.  You may choose to draw, paint, or sculpt, or take up pottery or a form of exercise you’ve not tried before.  You may decide to join a club and enlarge your social circle.  You may decide that to find a path you need to declutter your environment or home. You may even decide to take up chartable work of some sort.  You may also decide that changing, for example, the route you take to work will lead you to your new normal.  The opportunities are endless and as you desire.

No matter the way you choose, you are sending your life in a different direction that will bring you to your next experience you need to have in order for your soul to continue to learn. 

There may be times, days even, where you feel that you are all alone in the process of finding your new normal.   Physically, yes, you may be yet you never are entirely alone. Always, without question or doubt is the presence of your Divine, the celestial realm and the spiritual energies of loved ones who have passed into the light.   They comfort and guide you constantly as their desire is to see you happy and filled with love and light as they desire your acceptance of what was and attain peace with it.  You are loved beyond measure by those who walk quietly beside you.  Allow yourself to feel that love, draw it into your being and be nourished by its comfort to you. 

In finding your new normal, listen to your own voice and follow your gut.  This is your normal, uniquely made for you by you.  There is no written rule that dictates you should do exactly as others say.  No, do what is right for you, despite what other may say.   This is your life, this is your normal.  Yet never forget to love yourself, to be gentle with yourself, to be compassionate and kind to yourself throughout the process of finding your new normal.

May your journey to your new normal be and adventure filled with great joy and grace and may it lead to you to your place of peace within your soul. 

In love and light,

© Amanda C Nicolin 2015
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.

Monday 1 June 2015

Call Me Home

I’ve know you for many years
As a toddler you were there
Yet today I looked at you
And thought you were not there.

I watch you day by day
As you fade away each day
Eating almost nothing
Drinking very little.

In a way I know
That you don’t want to be here anymore
You talk of home and a party
That awaits you once you’ve gone.

And those you know in the afterlife
Stand stoically at your side
They watch and wait and send you energy
To make your journey home.

The tears well in my eyes
My heart is wrenched in two
For the suffering you are enduring
For not wanting to let go.

I see your fear in your eyes
You don’t know what’s to come
For many years you’ve been told
It’s heaven or its hell.

Angels please surround you
God, please be merciful and call you home
So your suffering can end
And you can know eternal peace again

Image courtesy of:
© Amanda C Nicolin 2015
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.