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Sunday 8 May 2011

I Love You!


When you love somebody, tell them lest you do not have the chance to.  When you recognize the love within yourself, for yourself, celebrate it, for you are seeing the Divine Source of soul. ~ACN

People come into our lives for a reason, a season, a moment or a life time.  We grow to love them, some eternally, some for just a brief period of time.  But love them we do. 

We love at varying degrees and we love in different ways.  We love our parents so differently to how we love our siblings.  We love our partners, husbands and wives so differently to how we love our children.  We even love our children differently from each other. We love our female friends and we love our male friends differently.   Because we love in different ways does not mean that we love them any less.

Throughout our lives, as we journey the paths we have chosen, we often find that life takes over and we become complacent in either displaying our love or telling others that we love them.  We always think, mainly as an afterthought, “I should have said, I love you!” or we say it without thought as a matter of habit. 

It is only when the person is gone from our lives that we reflect on this.  By now it may be too late.  Whether late be just by a second, a minute, an hour or a day, it remains too late.  The time has rushed by and we can never turn back the clock.  We cannot undo what has not been done.

To tell someone that you love them is so important.  It may be the only thing they needed to hear that day.  They may need affirmation of another’s love for them.  Their life may be so radically changed by just those three little lettered words.  I LOVE YOU.  For them, it may be the choice of giving up or carrying on.

As with telling others that you love them, tell yourself this also.  Your soul needs to hear this of you, for it is the acceptance of the soul by the body.  Know always that you are Love and are loved.  Be in gratitude always for the love that lies within you.  Your Divine, your Creator created you to be a soul of absolute love.  By acknowledging the love that you are, that lies within your being, you acknowledge the Divine Love of your Creator also. 

Say, I love you to someone today.   Say you love them with passion and kindness.  Say I Love You with compassion and peace.  Look into the mirror, into the depths of your soul and say:  I Love You!.  

 Say “I love you” before it is too late to do so anymore.

In Love and light,

Photo courtesy of:


  1. Sometimes the simplest things to say to a loved one is "I love you". Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. God won't ask how many people you forwarded this too. He already knows your decision. Walk together in love.

  2. Thank you for your words of Wisdom. He knows what is within each heart for He created it. I love You, Carmen. Namaste my friend.
    In love and light,
