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Saturday 30 April 2011



Laughter is the best medicine...... When we laugh, we lift our soul and raise our vibration and in so doing, bring love and light to the planet. So go out there today and find something hilarious to laugh about and have immense fun doing so. ~ACN

Do you remember when you were a kid?  The days when you found the slightest thing funny, when a sneeze could send you into gales of laughter, when a twirling leaf could make you smile and jump up and down in glee?  Where has the ability to laugh at nothing gone?  Where has the freedom to just be in the moment disappeared to? 

The good news is; “it is within you”.  Throughout our life’s trials and tribulations we lose the ability to find the carefree attitude we have when we are children.  With each life-knock we become more and more closed. We create blocks and slam the door closed on anything that can bring us happiness.   In essence we lose our ability to just be with the moment we are experiencing.  As we fall deeper and deeper into darkness we find it extremely difficult to find the funny in life. 

Try this:  physically put a smile on your face...  turn up the corners of your mouth and pretend to be happy.  This may take some getting used to. Don’t’ give up! Before you know it your smile will light up the world.  Things you found so un-amusing before will now become funny.  Soon you will find joy and laughter in life around you.  Please don’t waste these moments. Savour them. Let your restrained self go and laugh from your belly.  Laugh until your face aches and tears stream from your eyes.  When you do this suddenly it is no longer just your mouth that smiles but your eyes will and your soul will shine through to the world. 

As you find enjoyment and laughter in life, you will raise your vibration and with it you will raise the vibration of Mother Earth.  You will find your world begins to change from one filled with negativity to one full of promise and positivity. 

So, laugh today, and tomorrow and the next day... Laugh until you drop.  Laugh.

In love and light,

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Friday 29 April 2011



Open your heart each moment of the day and allow the greatness of the Universe to flow in and in so doing receive all that you are meant to receive in this lifetime on Mother Earth. ~ACN

Today, allow yourself to receive all that the Universe has to offer you.  You are deserving of all that is good and are so worthy of it.  So often we are our own worst enemy.  We create blockages to that which is good and positive mainly because we fear goodness for ourselves.  We believe that we do not deserve any goodness, or we may believe that because of wrongs of the past we may not allow ourselves to receive it.  We carry our past upon our backs in a rucksack that is so heavy and which weighs us down. 

Stop! Set down your rucksack.  There is no need for you to trudge through life carrying all these life burdens. Empty it out and allow the Universe to take care of it for you. Look into the mirror and see the greatness within yourself. See that you are worthy and deserving of the absolute best that the Universe can give you.  You are a child of your loving Creator, your Divine.  He knows your worth.  He believes in you. He is an all giving God and is willing to give you all that you ask for.  Let go of your fears and open your heart as you open your arms and allow the goodness to flow in.

In the process “be” the person that you are meant to be.  Celebrate all that flows to you in abundance. Know that you are greatness itself. Know that you are loved and are love.

In love and light,

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The act of giving is rewarding, the act of gratitude is even more so! Only when we find gratitude in the life, be they small or huge, can we truly appreciate the beauty of what our Divine has created for us to be in. So go smell a flower on this precious day and give gratitude for the essence of its being............. ~ACN

You know that feeling you get when you give someone something and the act of giving comes from your heart?  That warm fuzzy feeling, that feel good feeling, that feeling that you are making a difference?  Oh it feels so good to give! 

Yet when we receive those precious things that money cannot buy from our Divine, do we stop and take a moment and give thanks for it?  The gentle smell of a bright blossom, or the bright sounds of birds chirping on a spring morning, the sound of laughter drifting through the gardens of our time, made by Our Creator who wants us to appreciate all that He gave us for our enjoyment.  Stop awhile and take a minute to appreciate all that is.  For it is these gifts that raise our vibration and in so doing raise the vibration of Mother Earth.

In love and light,

 Phto courtesy of :

20 Words to Change Your Life

Thursday 28 April 2011

Dig Deep

The power to be in whichever state we choose to be in is deep within our inner being. So, dig deep and "BE" ~ACN

When we go through the birthing process, we close the veil of memory of pre-life.  We lose sight of our contracts, who will support us in various rolls and what our purpose is.  As we go through life, learning each day, we sometimes get to a state of deep despair. When in this dark place we forget or fail to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.  We become internally focused to such a degree that we are unable to see the signs that the Universe gives us.  We miss opportunities; we lose sight of our friends and family. 

Center yourself in deep meditation and ask, with reverence and intention, that you higher self reveal the solutions.  Ask that you, a child of your all loving Divine, be guided to reach your potential, that your purpose on Mother Earth in this lifetime be revealed.   Know that within you is such greatness, compassion and love.  You are able to reach this state of being.  Diligently work with what you are shown, taking action and delaying none.  You cannot expect the Universe to bring that to you for which you have asked if you do not take action on that which you have been guided to.

Through all of this, you will reach a state of “being”, a place where you can be at peace with yourself, and a place where you can sit in stillness and listen to the voice of your Divine.  It remains your choice to be in this state.  Go forth then and “BE”.

In love and light,

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Disappointment, the feeling of sadness or frustration because something was not as good, attractive, or satisfactory as expected, or because something hoped for did not happen

In times of disappointment, rise up and be with the situation at hand. Your Divine knows what you need. Experiences are sent to you to learn from. Accept them graciously, opening your heart and your mind and fully enjoying them before letting them go. Be at one with your Divine as you give thanks for that which you have learned at this time. ~ ACN

In Love and light

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Friends in the Universe

Yet friends of the afterlife, our guides our Angels, our Divine, walk each step of the way with us. ~ ACN

Spiritual Ray.... Labyrinth at Celtis Lodge

We not only have friends on this earth plane, Mother Earth but we have those who have gone home, or crossed over already, who stand by eagerly await our plea for support. They, together with your personal guides and Angels will jump in immediately you ask for support and will send you clear guidance, supporting you, opening doors and pushing you in the direction you are meant to follow. They will offer you comfort and great love. They are so eager to have us ask them for support and assistance. Calling on them for support and guidance does not constitute an egotistical state of being. You are given every opportunity to use them by your Divine. God is an all loving God and does not wish us to be in a state of suffering. He wants, as we all do for our own children, the very best that you can have. He wants you to be joyous and happy. He wants you to be in a state of love and peace. As an all loving and giving God, He, with the help of those in the Celestial Realm, will be with you each step of the way. Have faith and know that you are surrounded at all times. ~ ACN

In love & light.

Photo courtesy of: Amanda C. Nicolin

Money, Money, Money


Money can buy you lots of things but it cannot bring you clarity of mind, it cannot give you peace within your heart and cannot make your soul fly. Only your Divine God can do this for you. ~ACN

When we have a constant need or thirst for money, we chase the ever elusive rainbow. We are usually at this time of our lives, so driven by outside influences which never seem to satisfy the never ending thirst for them. We run from shop to shop, buying the “bling” that we believe will stop the craving. Yet, the satisfaction lasts only but a little while and once again we dash off chasing the after that which does not quench our thirst.

When you become comfortable with your own soul, when you accept who you are for what you are, when you love you , the most amazing and incredible person that you are, when you feel comfortable within your own skin, then and only then, does this insane desire for material objects dissipate into the universe. When you are in this state, you do not require any of those petty material things . Brands become inconsequential, you buy what you want because you like it, not because it has a name attached to it. You no longer have the need to shop until you drop. You no longer have the need to impress others with your material wealth. In fact, you generally take the attitude of “who cares” . The only criticism that is important to you is from yourself. Learn to love yourself. Learn to appreciate you for what and whom you are. Be gracious to yourself. Be YOU! In this state of Diving “Being” you will achieve clarity of mind, you will achieve a state of pure self love and peace and with this you will have the freedom to truly fly. ~ACN

In love and light.
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Soul Lessons

We are but free souls, able to do and experience everything we set out to. Allow your soul to carry forth with what it needs to do and embrace each experience with love and joy for only then can you fully find the wholesomeness of the experience. ~ACN

Before we embark on our journey to Mother Earth, we agree to experience various situations in order to learn and grow as a soul. We agree with and contractually bind each other to play certain roles in our lives. For example you would have contracted with your Mom to take the role of your Mother and she would have agreed to teach you certain things as her child.

Sometimes we contract very difficult lessons. You may find that you have grown up in a very abusive surrounding. When this happens, do not place judgment on the souls who have ensured that these circumstances are carried out. They do it to fulfill their contractual obligation in order for you to “get” the lesson.

Give thanks that they have done their job well. Rejoice that you have endured and come through the experience with the lesson well received and learned. Be gentle and gracious to those who appear to have harmed you. Be filled with love for them. Be at peace with them. Once done, forgive them and yourself, and then let the issue go. You no longer have need of it. It has served its purpose and you will then be free to LIVE as you were intended to, with absolute, all consuming, unconditional love both of self and of others. You will be filled with peace. In this state you can continue your soul journey in this earth plane, Mother Earth. ~ACN

In love and light,

Photo courtesy of Amanda C. Nicolin