In honor and memory of those who lost and gave their lives as a result of 9-11-2001
I wrote this poem in memory and honor of all of those who have given their lives as a result of this historic act of violence of one man against another. Within each one of ourselves is the ability to rise above such dastardly acts of violence as we come to terms with it, learning from it and finding, within ourselves, forgiveness and peace. May God grant His wisdom to you, may His Angels always surround and comfort you and may you find the blessings in each day as you journey on.
Let there be Peace of Man ~ Amanda C. Nicolin
It came as unawares to most on the ground,
The Angels though, they knew and many were around,
The sounds, as if Armageddon hit the ground,
Then silence for just a moment in time.
The smoke billowed out with flames in-between,
As the Angels flew straight in.
The chaos, the screams, the calls of farewell,
Each had an Angel to hold them and comfort them as well.
The screaming sirens, the panic of man,
Lost humans in this despicable act of man.
The brave firemen and policemen that risked their lives,
Each one had Archangel Michael at their side.
And within the inferno blazing from the ground,
Came the calls for help or the calls to die.
The day had come, when the world would change,
The day when peace first took a stand.
Back in the suburbs, anxiously they wait,
For a phone call, or a glimpse of their face.
Numbness settled all around,
In shock the world stood still for a while.
And as each one crossed to the other side,
The trumpets sounded their welcome home.
Then the leaders declared a time of war,
Go get them, they said, none must be spared.
And so this act of terror upon another,
Took so many more as they fought for freedom from terror.
The Angels know their work is still not done,
For as each year passes some are still angry and bitter.
And steadfastly they continue to guide and comfort,
Those who continue to fight for the free.
And it has been shown that through the years,
This dastardly act of violence will eventually bring peace.
With peace in your hearts remember with honor,
Those who look down from the Heavens with a smile in their heart.
With peace in your hearts and joy in your soul,
Be surrounded with Angels until it is your time to go home.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-m--nmvS-kj0/Tb924RraXLI/AAAAAAAAAMc/O3HNy-5M7jE/s1600/iwo-9-11-final.jpg
© Amanda C Nicolin 2011
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
this rivets my heart.. and reminds me of angels.. and hu mans being divine.. as the world stands still.. to await.. the heart beat.. of love..