The heart rises above the limitations of the body. ~ACN
I have always wondered at the ability of those who are debilitated in the physical body to have such profound love for those around them. And it never ceases to amaze me.
To love others without judgment and criticism is the most profound gift that one can have.
There are those of us, who although in good health and in full possession of all our faculties, spend our days whining about most things around us. If it is not the neighbors who are irritating us, or their dogs, then it is the cost of living or our governments or schools and so on. Our lists of complaints are endless.
Then there are those amongst us that really get the true meaning of love. They are the ones who have realized that there is so much more to life than physical possessions. They have realized and accepted that the world is what it is. They have the gift of acceptance and understanding that, humanity is what it is and should be loved non-the-less. Most of them have physical or neurological challenges that are very debilitative in what they are. Yet, these precious souls teach us so much.
Be in acceptance of what you are and what you look like and to love yourself for that…. Aahh… that is when you can be in acceptance of what others are and have not concern for how they appear to the world.
I was recently privileged to view a You-Tube about motivational speaker Nick Vujicic, who is severely physically challenged yet he does not allow his body to affect his attitude or personality. I am sure that there have been times when he has slipped into the darkness of despair at what life has dealt him, yet I know also that he has surmounted those challenges and is able through his own experiences to rise above it and has learned to love his life as he has learned to really “live” each day of his life. He gives so much of himself as he clearly shows his love for others in inspiring them.
So many of us take our challenges personally; believing that we have been treated unfairly or unjustly, that life has dealt us a hand that we do not want nor deserve. We surround ourselves with negative people who buy into this nonsense and who feed our ego’s daily. Perhaps, just for today, we should stop and take a look around us and see what is really going on out there. We should look to those who are less fortunate than ourselves in so many ways and count our blessings one by one.
Our blessings are not just those of the material world. No, it is the fact that we are fully able bodied, that we have the ability to see, or hear, a voice with which we can sing or that we have feet with which we can walk and so on. Greater of all the blessings that we do have, is that we are created in absolute Divine Love and have the ability, if only we open our hearts to sharing it, to love in the same way.
We have so much to be in gratitude for. Take a stock of yours today. Really look at what you have and from it, take forth into the world, the greatest gift you have; your Love.
In love and light,
So true Amanda. I am grateful to have met an Angel like you..in light, love and many blessings ♥