Feel the lightness of your Divine enter you enveloping you, dissolving your pain as you let things go. ~ACN
There comes a time for each of us, where we wake up one day and know that we have to do a huge clean up. Sometimes this comes from within us, and sometimes we are forced to do it, when the Universe knocks on our door, shakes us up and almost forces us into making life changes.
In the last few weeks, I have had the latter happen in my life. What a journey… What a ride…
Through adversity comes the ability to experience the lessons of letting go, surrender, perseverance, tenacity, strength and so many more. Yet for me, the greatest lesson in cleaning up our lives is in surrendering to what is happening.
The more we feel the urge to fight the experience, to resist the changes that are happening, the more difficult the experience becomes. Life will throw greater curveballs at us, sending one seemingly disastrous experience after the next. It will sometimes feel that you just cannot even gasps a breath of air before the next one arrives.
Simply surrender. These two little words carry such a vast impact on how we emerge from the situation that is directing us to change, to clear the clutter from our lives and to subsequently live. Looking at nature for guidance is a wonderful way to learn how to surrender. Have you ever watched penguins bobbing in the ocean as they rest after playing or diving through the water? They do not persistently peddle their little feet and flapping their little wings, creating a resistance to the water. No, they simply float their little bodies, allowing the water to carry them to where it must. We can certainly learn from this. Visualize being a penguin, floating and bobbing away in the ocean as life takes you where it must. Or we can use the example of white water rafting where those that embark on this exciting adventure learn to allow the water to carry them on its natural path.
Now of course we can roll over and play dead, doing the ostrich thing and burying our heads in the sand or we can take the experience as a lesson on our soul journey and emerge from it a wiser soul. In doing the latter, we will certainly find that the process may be a painful one, yet from it we gain great wisdom and allow the growth of our soul. We can certainly choose to look at the experience as doors slamming closed around us or we can choose to see them opening and in so doing, bring with them great new opportunities that will lead us to places where we must be.
As you clear the clutter from your life, allow your tears to flow for it is a cleansing of the soul which cathartically heals you. As you heal, you will find that new doors open, the energy around you clean and fresh, allowing newness to flow in to you. Open your arms in gratitude and receive that which is being brought to you.
Please be gentle with yourself during times of de-cluttering your life. Remember that you too are a soul on a human experience and deserve to be comforted during this time. Take the time to pamper yourself, making time for meditation, allowing others to nurture you as you journey this time. Remember too that this is happening for a reason; that everything is as it should be at this time. No matter how difficult the experience may be or how alone you may feel, you never really are alone. There will always be someone out there who will offer you support should you have the courage to just ask. You will always be surrounded by the love of your Divine and held within the arms of His angels as you face each day. Trust that the Universe will bring you to the place where you need to be.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://www.mbaintheusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/go-with-the-flow.jpg
© Amanda C Nicolin 2011
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
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