To be in the moment of this lifetime is to celebrate your decision to incarnate. Be in gratitude for what you are. ~ ACN
"May I infuse my life
with mindful attention,
moment by moment,
so that I may live
with the love, happiness, and choices
that I can only know in the now." ~Jean Smith
To be in the moment…. Oh how joyful this is. But what exactly does this mean?
To be in the moment is to experience each thing that happens to you with the depth of your soul, really living each moment and gaining from it both wisdom and strength which will certainly serve you in the future.
When we live ensconced in the moment, we are able to live each moment of our lives, fully accepting of what the circumstance or experience is whether it be a good or bad experience and learn from it before letting it go.
So often we are so enshrouded our past experiences that we are not able to live in the moment. We carry baggage so heavy and burdening and that is so debilitating that we cannot see the moment for what it is. So being, we lose our ability to successfully make decisions with clarity and calmness and in so doing lose the value of that which we may gain when living in the moment.
It is only when we find absolute peace within our beings that we are really fully able to “be” in the moment. In this state of being we are able to be mindful of what is happening to us, giving our full attention to the experience that we are living. We are also able to then make life choices that are suitable to our circumstances that will be both beneficial and wholesome for us, giving us a sense of direction and bringing us to where we are meant to be. This may not always be where we want to be; it will be where we need to be.
When in the moment, we will be able to experience the chattering of little birds, or feel the beauty of the rising sun, hear the laughter of others around us even through the noise of a busy mall and so on. Likewise when in dire straits we too can enjoy the fullness of the experiences we are living. In dark times, being in the moment, allow the tears to flow as they must, smack a pillow and release your anger and frustration, set the record straight when it needs to be straightened etc. Simply surrender to what is happening and BE with it. Please don’t over analyze the experience, or whine “why me”. Simply let go and let it be what it is meant to be.
We can feel and experience each and every little thing that life brings to us, acknowledging its presence, accepting it, celebrating it, being in gratitude for it and then releasing it into the Universe to be dissipated by the Universe.
Take a chance on you today. Release that which binds you to your past, and allow your soul to serve you as you enjoy the profoundly beautiful experience of living in the moment.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://www.thebridgemaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/live-in-the-moment.jpg
© Amanda C Nicolin 2011
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
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