Be in gratitude for the wisdom that you do have as you are in gratitude for the wisdom each experience brings. ~ ACN
Wisdom! Something we all wish to have. And yes! Each of us is filled with the wisdom that our lives bring us. We often think that we are not wise especially when we flounder and have difficulty in achieving our goals. Yet let us ponder on this for a few minutes.
If we were to experience a life of no problems, having only positive experiences, a life of plain sailing and easy going experiences, what would we learn? Through adversity come lessons that teach us all sorts of things. Some of them are small little things and others are monumental. Yet through each collective experience we create our own wisdom.
But what exactly is wisdom? The dictionary defines wisdoms as being the ability to make sensible decisions and judgments based on personal knowledge and experience.
It stands to reason therefore that with each experience we have we create our own wisdom and can draw from it using it in future experiences as the need arises. Certainly, we can learn and utilize the wisdom of others, assessing their experiences or world experiences to live our lives. People such as Rumi, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and the like are great inspirations to many of us so as too are Christ, Buddha or the Dali Lama. We constantly draw from their wisdom, taking what they say into our daily lives. Yet we still remain in judgment of our own inner wisdom, often overlooking it as figments of our own imagination, having little or no confidence in our own ability. We either believe that we do not possess it or we question its authenticity.
Whether the experience that you live is a good or difficult one, take a moment to assess what you have learned from it. Sit in silence and really think about what you have experienced, what your life was before the experience and what it is now that you have successfully completed it. What have you learned from it, how you have grown from it, how it affected those in your circle and how you reacted to it? Write this down in a wisdom journal. This will allow you to acknowledge that the experience has brought you wisdom. It is often only when we see it written down that we are able to acknowledge and accept that we have acquired wisdom. The next time you have a similar experience you are able then to refer back to your wisdom journal or retrieve it from your inner being and will surely be in a position to draw it to the fore allowing you to either circumvent the experience or gain even more knowledge and wisdom from it. Either way, using your collective wisdom in a new experience will certainly support you in making better, smarter and wiser decisions to bring you to a fruitful outcome.
Collation of our wisdom starts from a very tender age. Take a child for example, who is inquisitive and who may be learning to walk. As he or she talks each step forward, perhaps toddling forward at a rapid pace, not looking where he or she is going, and may trip up a small step and as a result may endure some form of pain, will certainly remember this the next time they cross the same place. Their collective wisdom will allow them the memory of the pain and they will ensure to carefully mount the stair as they move across the same space. The brain is a wonderful organ and will store the experience, the outcome, the associated feelings etc. It is in reality the wisdom journal. Only as adults do we allow our baggage to cloud what we have learned and block the retrieval of it when we need it again.
Honor yourself today and acknowledge that you are a being of great wisdom. Know that your wisdom lies deep within you, not just from this lifetime but from those of other incarnations. Remember always, that through the act of meditation you are able to tap into it and can therefore use it to best enhance your life and live it to the fullest.
Always be in gratitude for that which you have and are. Always be in gratitude for the experience that led you to gain wisdom for without it you would not have achieved the wisdom that has grown from and through it.
I am in thanks and gratitude for the wisdom that I have gained throughout my life time/s.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://bigsisterboston.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/wisdom_rock.jpg
© Amanda C Nicolin 2011
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.