Remember, In Faith ~ ACN
Three words, one action!
Faith is defined in the dictionary as the belief in, devotion to, or trust in somebody or something, especially without logical proof. How often we forget that faith in itself can carry us through troublesome times in our lives. Yet, if only we have faith, we allow all the other magical emotions to flow into our lives, rippling from one to the other, combining together and cascading into the desired outcome.
Have you ever observed children in the build up to Christmas? Once they have decided on their top choice of gift, the steadfastly have faith that they will receive it. They never doubt it, they never question it, the simply have faith that it will magically be delivered by dear Santa. How awesome is that. And the beautiful thing about this is that they usually materialize their dream by having faith that it will actually happen. You see, by acting simplistically they focus only on this and do not self-doubt as we do as adults. How sad it is that we have mastered the act of self-doubt.
We are our own worst enemies when it comes to having faith. We self-sabotage continuously, we doubt, we dream up little pictures of failure in our heads, in fact we tend to do everything in our power to lose our faith, albeit consciously or unconsciously.
It does not matter in what you need to have faith, simply just have it. Believe with intent that that which you seek will occur in due course. Please do not question the events leading up to the actual arrival of that which you have asked for, just simply believe that it will happen and it will. Sometimes we want things NOW, immediately and become so disappointed and disillusioned when it does not happen as we want. Our Divine, sends us what we need WHEN we need.
Remember always that the Universe will fulfill our desires and dreams if only we are patient and have faith that it will happen. Whatever you do, please do not give up, for giving up is abandoning the dream and it confuses the Universe to no end. It’s as if you are saying now I want it, now I don’t. Imagine if you children changed their minds continuously once they had told you what they wanted for Christmas or their birthdays; how confusing would that be for you? Well it works the same way with adults. Make up your mind and stick to it. Certainly things change in our lives and we have to alter direction yet the premise of asking and then becoming impatient and depressed or abandoning our faith and hope is very different to your life circumstance changing and in so doing, changing your needs.
Keep focused, keep your faith intact and then keep ploughing ahead with intent for your desire is just around the corner. Never give up and never abandon your heart’s desire. It is there, just a short way ahead of you. Remember that faith is the knowingness that the outcome will be as you desire.
When you feel yourself waiver, then take a step back, inhale deeply and with a firm resolution summons your faith from deep within you and resume your path yet again. If this is difficult for you to do, then picture the child who steadfastly has faith that his or her chosen gift is on the way. In fact become that child for a while and pretty soon you will see that you have faith fully in sight once again.
May you be blessed each day as you exercise your faith in what you desire.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://engageyouth.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/faith31.jpg
© Amanda C Nicolin 2011
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
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