To be love within the self is to be love outside the self, sending it cascading into the universe to love others. ~ ACN
As Divine beings, creations of our Divine, we are born into this world filled with the Divine Love, the love that is not judgmental, the love that is able to arise above all else and flow into the world. It is an absolutely, all consuming, unconditional love. As young children we love in this manner, our souls recognizing this and showering it into the world. We do not judge others or criticize them. We don’t question love nor do we spend hours justifying why we should love. We simply love both ourselves and those in our circle.
Yet somehow, along the way of our life journey, we seem to lose the ability to love in this fashion. We come ensconced with life issues, hauling them around with us and prohibiting us from living as a creation of love. As we receive our life knocks, we firmly shut the door to being a creation of this love.
Stop for just a moment and reflect.
Is living worth the effort if you exist only and do not live? Is the love you have within you so deeply buried that you are unable to retrieve it? Would life not be a joy, and blessing and a pleasure if you were able to live in absolute love?
I am sure that you will find the answers to the latter question a definitive yes. You see, when we shield ourselves so much that we exist only and stop ourselves from living, we miss the gloriousness of that which was created for us to enjoy. Each creation was created by our Divine for our enjoyment and growth. When we close the door to the beauty that surrounds us, we lose out. The beautiful creations are still there, if only we open ourselves to seeing, hearing and receiving them.
When we close ourselves off to the love that resides within each one of us, we may partially see, hear or receive yet by living in a state of Divine love, we can fully experience each thing around us and can really “live” the moment. We can open ourselves up to the sensations that were meant to bring us joy, that bring the Divine Love to the fore and ultimately bring us to a state of peace.
Have you noticed, when in a shopping mall, waves of love emitting from those you pass who are in this state? Yes, they have loving smiling faces, their energy feels different to others around you and you see the happiness in their eyes and best of all, they are peaceful in their energy. This too will happen to you once you have found your Divine Love within your being. You too will automatically send this love into the world as loving vibrations and will raise the vibration of those around you. Ultimately you will raise the vibration of the world. Wouldn’t this just be so great? To impact the world around you with a loving peaceful energy; how awesome would that be?
Please take a chance on you. Open yourself to remembering your Divine Love, to living that love and to giving that love to the world around you.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://www.puredivinelove.com/images/heartlightnotext.jpg
© Amanda C Nicolin 2011
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
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