To see the beauty within, to see the compassion within, to see love within, is to be at one with oneself and to be peace. ACN
Wow! How awesome a place is that to be in? To be in beauty, compassion, love and peace within your being!
When we are children, we find no difficulty in being in this state. We may not know this on a conscious level, but we do actually, before we learn about resistance and experience all the knocks that life brings us, live in this state. In that little body, the bodies we are born into, we are fully able to experience beauty, compassion, love and peace within our beings. We unconsciously remember from the time before our current incarnation exactly what this is and so we incarnate with this intact. In fact, we know exactly how to BE in the moment.
As life happens to us, bringing us to a place where we are positioned to learn what we incarnated to learn, we very soon lose the ability to see beauty, compassion, love and peace within our beings. Most of us choose to hold on to the pain of each experience, blocking our ability to see this within ourselves, and as a result, we lose the ability to see it in others. With the blocking of each of these, we become embittered and often filled with negative emotions that may soon become a habit. How incredibly sad that is.
Yet, despite this, we find that we hunt out love from others, seeking what we are unable to seek within ourselves. Now, some of us find this love from others and are brought to a point by them, where we eventually see it within ourselves. It is prudent to remember that this often does not happen to all of us. Sadly most of us have to journey the road of introspection and self discovery in order to achieve this state of being. This may well be the ultimate on the road to self -discovery. There is little that can compare in the wholeness of finding self compassion and love, the discovery and acceptance that you are indeed a beautiful soul within the body that you have chosen.
As an exercise to develop the recognition it is suggested that you do the following:
· Ask your friends and family to describe how they see you as a person. This should not include the physical but rather you, the being, the inner, your personality, your soul. Listen intently as they describe you even though you may not believe it. Make notes of what they say. In a quiet time, read through what they have told you, what you have discovered whilst doing your survey. You will, I am very sure, be surprised by how you are seen through the eyes of others.
· Each day, stand naked in front of a full length mirror and really look at yourself. Start with your physical self and “find” something to like about yourself. After you have done this, move to your “inner”, your being, your soul. This exercise make takes days, months or years to reach a state of love of self. Please do not discontinue this exercise until you have reached that beautiful state of “being” where you see the beauty within yourself. Be in gratitude always for the beautiful soul that you are.
Doing these exercises is not about exercising your ego. This is about building your self-worth, your self-esteem and finding that awesome state of self-love. Please don’t listen to the naysayers who may judge and criticize you for doing these exercises. There are those amongst you that may well do this, yet most will tell you how delighted they are to see you work on growing your being.
The result of finding inner beauty, compassion, love and peace is ultimate. Once we have achieved this state of being, we find that we are able to see this within others. The absolute acceptance of this state of being in others, without judgment, without any form of criticism, is the ability to be Divine Love for others.
May you be greatly blessed as you journey your road to discovery of self compassion, love and beauty.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://www.ecomuse.net/resources/P015.jpg
© Amanda C Nicolin 2011
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
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