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Sunday 15 June 2014

Soul Pain

To feel the pain of others is a gift
To take on the pain of others is in service.

Tears roll...  like thunder in a storm... 
The pain of the world batters at my soul as the stormy seas along a rocky shore
The conflict of misunderstandings...
The barrage of words.. they slay as a dragon slayer
Those who do not understand
The origins of the sadness and anger that rages within
And as each word flows from the mouths of those who are in conflict... 
The pain of them crosses my path as does a sword
The anger that rages... the tornadoes it brings
Wrangles my soul and leaves it tattered and torn
Those in the higher realms know the depth of my pain
As I cast back my mind to the days of peace and calm
Let the sun rise gently and brightly to bring love back again.
Let the leaves of the trees, remind me to be peace
Let the gentle winds calm my mind
Let me take not again,
The anger of those in whose conflict reams
Within their souls, their hearts, the minds..
Let the peace of all reign within the world..
Let the smiles of children touch our hearts
Let their laughter heal our souls
Let the flight of little ones
Be the healing that we need..

In Love and light,

Image courtesy of:
© Amanda C Nicolin 2014
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.

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