Fear of living is more destructive than any man made war. See the lilies fade and die one tiny cell at a time just because it will not raise its head to see the sun shine on this new day...~ ACN.
Fear! The dictionary describes fear as an unpleasant feeling of anxiety or apprehension caused by the presence or anticipation of danger. Fear is that piercing feeling we get in the pits of our stomachs when danger approaches and is the alarm within us that tells us to either stand and fight or flee. It can force us to take action or it can make us hide.
Yet fear is not altogether a bad thing. Used in the right way, fear will motivate us into making changes in our lives that will both serve and benefit us.
When we allow fear to consume us, we prohibit ourselves from really living our lives. Now “living” does not mean that we have to go out and party continuously, running through life and missing half of what is there. No, “living” means to actually appreciate each second of your experience. It means, feeling the pain, crying the tears, screaming in frustration or basking in delight of the moment, cherishing the feelings, the laughter, the joy, the love that comes from the moment. To live without fear is to be in the moment, as it happens, fully experiencing it, being in gratitude for it and then letting it go.
When we allow fear to enshroud us, we do ourselves such a disservice. We prevent ourselves from experiencing all the good that the Universe has to offer us. We miss things like the glorious sunrise on a summer’s day or the little miracles that happen minute by minute. We lower our heads and stare steadfastly at the ground missing all that surrounds us. We retreat into our shells shutting out the world around us. We lose our sense of humor, we miss on the joy that surrounds us and we lose our ability to be free in the moment. By living in a state of fear we may as well shackle our feet and hands, and pretend to be blind, deaf and mute, for this is exactly how greatly living in fear can harm us.
Certainly there have been experiences in each of our lives that lead us to believe that we should be in a state of fear. Yet there is none amongst us who have had a life of complete misery, a life where nothing good happens. Even those of us who have the toughest of lives are still able to find joy in the little things that surround us for we are all beings of love and are all fully able to rise above the dire circumstances that may surround us at a point in time.
Dress yourself in a coat of courage and take the first step in living with light and laughter in your life. Allow love to stream in to you and be blessed in the knowledge that you have been given the tools to experience a life filled with love. It is none other than love that will and can surmount fear. Each day, as you continue to push aside the fears that bind you and replace it with things that bring you joy, you will find that fears diminishes bit by bit and that love, joy, compassion and peace fulfill its place.
Do yourself a favor today… take a chance on you! Set your fears aside. Raise your head just as the lily does and face each day as it comes, allowing yourself to really live and experience each moment in a state of absolute love.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://christianityandtheconfusion.blogharbor.com/Fear/fear%202.gif
© Amanda C Nicolin 2011
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
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