There is hardly one amongst us that does not as some stage in our lives have a difficult time. Whether this is due to illness, death, financial, work, relationship problems or any other means, it is really not of importance. The point is it happens whether we want to acknowledge it or not. How we react to the problem is what is of importance.
Obviously, we should endeavor to ensure that we continue to maintain a positive stance, no matter the experience we are enduring. In saying this, the realization is there, in that it may be extremely difficult for you to remain positive. Yet, should we take a backwards step away from the situation, we will surely find that there is a door through which positivity can flow if only we allow it to do so.
There are certainly many exercises one can partake in which will certainly raise your vibration amongst which are daily positive affirmations such as “I am in a good place”, “the Universe provides me with all that I need” or “everything is as it should be at this time” to name just a few. We can also find something cheerful in each day allowing it to bring us joy or we can turn up the volume full blast to the hippest, liveliest song and dance as if no one is watching. We can take a walk and just be in the moment or we can turn to meditation and allow the voice of our Divine to bring us to a peaceful state.
Even as we do this, we may still find that our circumstance stays as it for a while longer. It is in this time that we need to reach deep within our beings and bring forth the courage that lies there. Courage; such a small word, yet it is courage that provides us with such an incredible strength in our times of darkness. We all have courage. We all have the ability to face a difficult situation without being overcome by fear and we certainly are able to pursue a course of action without deflecting from it. It is our courage that enables us to face a situation head on, to focus intently on the solution and to bring forth the tenacity within us that will enable us to see us through the journey to the conclusion of the issue where we can then calmly and with self-love regroup and acknowledge what it is that we have learned from and through the experience.
It takes a person of great wisdom to acknowledge and accept that through each obstacle that we face, we need only step back for a moment and summons the courage that lies within drawing strength from it and facing the challenge head on.
Many of us will crawl into that dark place and will almost enjoy the “poor me” feelings that we have. Others of us will stand up and face the challenge head on using every tool that we have to succeed and grow from the experience.
Which one will you be? The tortoise that withdraws into its shell and allows fear to determine your destiny or will you be the one that stands tall and faces, as a warrior would, that which you know is surmountable. Will you be the one who becomes the victim of a life knock or will you be the one who draws on your courage and emerges the victor?
All it takes is a healthy dose of courage, a positive attitude, a vision of a successful outcome and the wisdom to know that through this experience you will most certainly be in a position to celebrate the result having learned from it and finally, from a place of inner peace, be able to let it go.
May you have the courage in plentitude to face whatever your life issues are and emerge from them a greater and wiser soul for the experience.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://baterya.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/courage1.jpg
© Amanda C Nicolin 2011
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.