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Saturday, 13 October 2012
Learning Through Adversity
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Self-Love: Your Gift to You

To graciously accept all aspects of self is to truly love the being that you are ~ ACN
Oh Wow! What a statement! To graciously accept all aspects of self is to truly love the being that you are.
I doubt that there are very many amongst us that can honestly say they love and accept every single little thing about ourselves. We criticise and complain about so much about ourselves. Our hair is too straight or too curly, our eyes are not blue or green enough, we are overweight or far too thin, we are too short or too tall, our skin is not what we want it to be and so on and so forth. We judge and criticise ourselves constantly. Sadly, it does not stop with judgement of the physical. We continue to judge and criticise our personalities, our beings, our souls. How sad is that.
Why do we do this? Why can we just not simply accept what and who we are?
We are programmed from birth, from our very beginnings to listen to the words of others. We listen first to the words of our parents, sometimes gentle loving ones and others harsh critical ones. For some reason we buy into the harsh ones, listening to them and believing them to be true. Not many of us believe the loving words spoken to us yet we take the negative ones on as if it they are our own personal cross to carry and then subsequently structure our lives and how we live them by them.
We buy into the “you are stupid, or you are useless, you are ugly or fat” etc that are spoken by others to us. Eventually we reach a place within ourselves where we believe ourselves to be worthless and undeserving of anything beautiful and good in our lives. What a tragedy and injustice to our souls.
Our bodies constantly change throughout our lives, never the staying the same. We have the joy of living in a baby body, the adventures of living in a toddler’s body, the fun of living in a child’s body, the discovery of living in a teen’s body and so on. Yet as our bodies grow and change we develop the propensity of hoarding negative inflictions about it and subsequently our mindset changes to include these negative inflictions building them into our lives and becoming them as we journey through this life.
Yet in all this there is good news. You can CHANGE the way you think and appreciate, accept and love, yes LOVE, your body, mind and soul for the beautiful creation that it is.
Now I am sure that some of you are sitting there thinking to yourselves; what rot, how can I change this body without a trip to the good old cosmetic surgeon? You can. You do not need the services of those skilled in the art of cosmetically changing a person’s body. Sure you can if you want to and can afford to and certainly you will change the outer appearance of your body. Yet at the end of the day, unless you change the way you think, and see your inner beauty, you will make one consecutive trip after the next to you dear surgeon for even more work on the most beautiful creation that is your body.
Whatever your body is, it was chosen by your higher self to house your soul, to aid you on your life journey. Take the time to celebrate it. Nourish it with good, wholesome food, exercise it and keep it as healthy as you possibly can. Pamper it and love it for what it is. Most important of all, accept and love it for what it is for it is an awesome creation made in the image of your Divine.
Let go of the “baggage” that you chose to carry in your rucksack for it does not serve you. The proclivity of your soul requires that you acknowledge the being that you are. Celebrate this facet of your being also. In accepting each facet of your being, acknowledging those negative issues that have affected you, honouring them for being of service to you and coming to a place of peace for and with them you will see that you are indeed a creation of beauty and wonderment. Yes, you are an awesome, amazing creation of your Divine, filled with love of self and others. All you have to do it find that love within you. Yes, it is there, just waiting for you to open the door and let it flow over you, through you and then ripple out to the world around you.
May you be blessed throughout your journey of self-discovery, acceptance and love of you! You are indeed worthy and deserving in finding that which resides within your being; Divine Love.
In love and light,
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© Amanda C Nicolin 2012
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.